Thursday 25 October 2007

A wedding dress and an upset mother

Well I was given a wedding dress at work today. From one of the bosses who got married not so long ago. His wife just happens to be the same size as me. My only problem now is how to get it home.
I walk to and from work everyday, and it takes me roughly around 30 minutes.
My mother is very upset about me wanting to get married. She has had 2 failed marriages, so I can see where she is coming from. But at the same time I really want her to understand what marriage means to me, and to be happy for me. I honestly don't think she will be coming to the wedding. As I know she won't enjoy it and I'd rather she stayed at home happy than came and got all upset.
Either way the wedding will still be going ahead as planned. We love each other so much, and have wanted to marry for a while. Plus we really want to have the same name before our first baby is born. As that just feels right to us.
On the fertility front I am on day 22 today. I had my blood tests yesterday, so in 6 or so days I will hopefully be able to get the results, and find out if I did indeed release one of my eggs. Or if it failed miserably like it has done for the past 25 months!!!
I used to get excited about being in this stage of my cycle. I used to feel hope, and would get obsessed with looking out for pregnancy signs. Now I have just given up with it. The less excited and hopeful I get, will hopefully mean the less disappointed I will feel if I am yet again not pregnant.
Some people are harsh with me when it comes to fertility. For one work don't know, because I haven't told them. So when they joke about babies and things like that, they do not know it can sometimes upset me.
But the people who DO know how long I have been trying, and what I have been through. The people who then make jokes or tell me to relax because ''I'm only young'', but who at the same time have 5 little ones running around.
And I especially hate people who say ''What do you mean you can't conceive? How is that possible? All I have to do is look at my husband and I catch... it's simple!''
That's what I hate most in life, judgemental people, stuck up people, people who look down the end of their nose at you, or decide they don't like you because of how you look, or speak, or walk etc etc. Some people are just plain selfish... and arrogant.
Well anyway... Monday is usually my ''ranting'' day, but I see Thursday may now become one too lol.
I see no one has left me a comment yet, probably because no one is reading this lol. Oh well... what did I expect? LOL

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